Automate and Economize your Experience

Set and Forget Automation

For your Hydronic Heating System

AquaMatic™ Smart Controller

Set and Forget Convenience

For your Hydronic Heating System

  • Has this happened to you? It’s annoying . . .

  • When you leave the diesel burner on when you’re not using hot water.

  • When you’re burning diesel fuel, while park electricity is pre-paid.

  • When you run out of hot water in the shower.

  • When you can turn on heat remotely but can't turn on the diesel burner.

  • When you need to turn the diesel burner on and off throughout the day.

  • When everyone gets confused about turning the diesel switch on or off.


AquaMatic™ Smart Controller

Set and Forget Safety

From your Hydronic Heating System

  • Did you know your hydronic heating system controller is reliable but hasn't evolved beyond basic manual operation of heat sources in over 40 years.

  • The system relies upon you to think for it, anticipate your usage, and make the correct settings in advance.
  • The consequences of a mistake or oversite can lead to not just a cold shower but frozen pipes and subsequent water damage.
  • However, leaving the diesel burner turned on leads to over 90% reliance on consuming diesel fuel, needless expense, and system wear and tear.
  • When your coach is not occupied, but you may need cabin heat or freeze protection, then you must leave the diesel burner turned on and maintain a boiler temperature of 190 degrees while simply on standby in anticipation of demand.


Do you know that doesn't have to be this way?


  • The AquaMatic Smart Controller can do all the thinking for you.
  • No switches to switch. No mistakes to make. Just pure convenience.
  • Endless domestic hot water for endless hot showers.
  • Cabin heat on demand - always.
  • Freeze protection on demand - always.
  • It prioritizes electric usage over diesel fuel.
  • It lowers diesel fuel consumption, in standby, when without electricity.
  • It stops diesel fuel consumption, in standby, when the coach is unoccupied.
  • It turns on the diesel burner with demand for cabin heat, freeze protection, or sustained domestic hot water usage, automatically!


What, your hydronic heating system didn't come with all these benefits?


  • No Problem!
  • Your hydronic system controller is compatible with the AquaMatic SC.
  • The AquaMatic SC can be installed in less than an hour.
  • There are no new wires or switches inside the cabin.
  • Just turn on the diesel burner and electric element switches for automatic operation.
  • Simply turn off either, or both, switches for OEM manual operation.
  • No modifications to your existing electronic controller board is needed.


With the AquaMatic SC . . .


  • You prioritize using park electricity whenever it's available.
  • You won't run out of hot water in the shower.

  • Your thermostat turns on the diesel burner when calling for heat.

  • Your thermostat turns on the diesel burner for freeze protection.
  • You won't need to flip the diesel burner switch on and off throughout the day.

  • No confusion about switch settings for family or guests.

  • No more wasted money burning diesel fuel when it's not necessary.
  • Reduced diesel fuel consumption during standby in all cases.


AquaMatic™ Smart Controller

Set and Forget Automation

For your Hydronic Heating System

    • Fully Automatic selection between fuel source and electric element usage.
    • Electric heating priority for standby and short-term domestic hot water usage.
    • Automatic diesel/propane for cabin heat, freeze protection, and showering.
    • The Economizer lowers the boiler temperature when without electricity during standby, saving up to 60% fuel (Stay), and up to 100% fuel during standby when unoccupied (Away).
    • Turn off either the diesel burner switch, electric element switch, or the AquaMatic Smart Controller power switch, to restore full OEM control for servicing.
    • A system that pays for itself with convenience and fuel saving performance.

Unfortunately, OEM hydronic heating systems:

    • Don’t optimize the use of electric and diesel fuel.
    • Don’t turn on the diesel burner with the cabin thermostat(s).
    • Don’t let the boiler cool down, or turn off, when cabin heat or hot water is not needed and system is running on diesel alone.
    • Waste diesel fuel when heating water with no demand.

AquaMatic™ smart controller

Relax, You've got this!

Install the AquaMatic Smart Controller in your hydronic heater bay. It's very DIY friendly and takes an hour or less. The wires are color coded so it's essentially a paint-by-numbers installation. Turn it on and you're done. There's no need to add wiring or switches inside the cabin. Your OEM switches are now automated. Select Diesel Burner and Electric elements at your cabin controls for fully automatic operation. Turn off any switch to have manual, OEM, operation for servicing. Your comfort, convenience, and savings begin immediately.

AquaMatic™ Smart Controller

Finally! Set and Forget Automation For your Hydronic Heating System







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